RIP Vivienne
Vivienne Westwood and Naomi Campbell 1993
Benedetta Barzini and Dali
Photo author unknown
'If you’re aware, you know what to do with yourself, and what to wear, and how to have fun, and how to have humor in the way you do things. It’s just a question of being aware. And it’ll take women ages to be aware. Really aware, and not scared and obeying.'
Benedetta Barzini- see interview here
If people are really genuine with their plants and they respect their plants, they should talk to them as human, as a source of creation from God. Humans and plants, we are all the same
– Kamala Ibrahim Ishag
Photo author - unknown
'The greatest feeling I ever had in my life—with my clothes on—was when I first heard Diz and Bird together in St. Louis, Missouri, back in 1944.'
Miles Davis
' everyone knows who has ever heard a piece of gossip, we do not 'own' the facts of our lives at all.....Biography is the medium through which the remaining secrets of the famous dead are taken from them out in full view of the world. The biographer at work, indeed, is like the professional burglar, breaking into a house, rifling through certain drawers that he has good reason to think contain the jewelry and money.....
Janet Malcolm
'The Silent Woman'