Monday 13 July 2009

Body talk

Hans Bellmer

This repetitive tendency of mine to compare an artist (of any medium) to someone else seems never ending and often, somewhat subconsciously, rears its questioning head whenever I discover someone new.

So I came across Marcel Mariën last week which naturally this got me thinking along the lines of the other photographers....I can't help but see a connection between many of Bellmer's photographs depicting women in various states of contortion with those of Francesca Woodman's self portraits (below)

Francesca Woodman

Likewise the surreal work of Marcel Mariën echoes elements of Bellmer and the female objectification and cropping so evident in Wooodman's work. Of course Man Ray could be a major influence here too, but there is a danger to all this analysing of mine in that you can find parallels all across the board. Though all of these artists are unique and have extensive bodies of work which all say and bring up further ideas in their own right. Somewhere along the way everything is open to influence; subjects/ themes and ideas will reoccur and cross over.

Marcel Mariën

Francesca Woodman

Man Ray

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